

B***** Ö*******
Sith Apprentice
Kasım 2019
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misstiky Sith Apprentice
+Seni tanıdığıma yemin edebilirim, kimsin sen ?
-Başka bir hayattan tanıdığın biri
misstiky Sith Apprentice
misstiky Sith Apprentice
Since he had no wife or children he decided to create them in his laboratory. He started with wife and fas into the most beautiful princess in the world. Alas, a wicked genetic fairy cast a spell on the inventor so much so that the princess was only knee height or less. He then cloned six children in his own image, faithful, hardworking. They were so alike no one could tell them apart. But fate tricked him again, giving them all sleeping sickness. Craving someone to talk to he grew in a fish-tank a poor migraine-ridden brain.
misstiky Sith Apprentice
My daughter needed that money. Not in September, but today. See, I'm poor, Darius. And poor people don't have time for investments because poor people are too busy trying not to be poor. I need to eat today, not in September.
misstiky Sith Apprentice
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