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Barış Kadıoğlu
Sith Apprentice
Aralık 2020
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barkad Sith Apprentice
If the mortgage bonds were the match, then the CDO’s were the kerosene soaked rags. And the synthetic CDO was the atomic bomb with a drunk president holding his finger over the button. ?
barkad Sith Apprentice
Truth is like poetry.
And most people fucking hate poetry.
barkad Sith Apprentice
please speak as you might to a young child or a golden retriever. It wasnt brain that got me here
Hilalito Sith Apprentice
oooo güzel arkaplan ? ??
barkad Sith Apprentice
A blow fish, think about it. Small in stature, not swift, not cunning, easy prey for predators, but the blow fish has a secret weapon, doesn't he?
