Falling In Reverse - The Drug In Me Is Reimagined
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Falling In ReverseThe Drug In Me Is Reimagined

I heard a knock upon my door the other day
I opened it to find death staring in my face
the feel of mortal stalking still reverberates
everywhere I go, I drag this coffin just in case
my body's trembling sends shivers down my spine
adrenaline kicks in, shifts into overdrive
your secrets keep you sick, your lies keep you alive
snake eyes every single time you roll with crooked dice
I felt the darkness as it tried to pull me down
the kind of dark that haunts a hundred-year-old house
I wrestle with my thoughts, I shook the hand of doubt
running from my past, I'm praying "feet, don't fail me now"
I've lost my goddamn mind
It happens all the time
I can't believe I'm actually
meant to be here
trying to consume
the drug in me is you
and I'm so high on misery
can't you see?
I've got these questions always running through my head
so many things that I would like to understand
If we are born to die and we all die to live
then what's the point of living life if it just contradicts?
I felt the darkness as it tried to pull me down
the kind of dark that haunts a hundred-year-old house
I wrestle with my thoughts, I shook the hand of doubt
running from my past, I'm praying "feet, don't fail me now"
I've lost my goddamn mind
It happens all the time
I can't believe I'm actually
meant to be here
trying to consume
the drug in me is you
and I'm so high on misery
can't you see?
I've lost myself
you tried to reach me, but you just can't help me
so long, goodbye
you tried to save me, it won't work this time
'cause now
I've lost my fucking mind
and there's no fucking time
I can't believe I'm actually
meant to be here
trying to consume
the drug in me is you
and I'm so high on misery
can't you see?
can't you see?
can't you see?
can't you, can't you
can't you see?
can't you see?
OnlyLGBT Lieutenant
Emodan daha rasyonel, daha yetişkin ama bir o kadar siyah tonlarında olmayı çok iyi tutturmuşlar. Luke Holland kadar karizmatik olmasa da Ronnie Radke hem sesiyle hem de görsellik eşliğinde oldukça ilgi çekici duruyor.
mitza Sith Apprentice
Senfonik Rock olarak geçiyor ancak burada yeterli kategori olmadığı için ana tür olarak Rock seçtiğim şarkılarda bugün. Reimagined olmadanki halini pek sevmemiştim. Zamanının ne kadar elektro gitar ve bağırma o kadar iyi anlayışından bir hayli ekmek yemiş bir grup bana kalırsa. Ama yıllar geçtikçe, akılları başlarına gelmiş ve böyle bir versiyon ortaya çıkmış. Çok da güzel olmuş. Keşke her şarkılarını reimagine yapsalar. 8 puanı gönül rahatlığıyla veririm.
